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Sep 22 2010 4:50PM
MI6 consulted David Miliband on interrogations - cause for concern?

The Guardian’s front page today carries some interesting allegations that that David Miliband, when he was Foreign Secretary, personally authorised interrogations of detainees in countries with poor human rights records. Apparently he...

Sep 21 2010 6:57PM
The Ashtiani counter-attack: President Ahmadinejad bowls himself with a googly

To me it’s an unexpected twist. The Iranian establishment has launched an apparently calculated counter-attack over the Ashtiani stoning case. First Iranian MPs and official Iranian news agencies have issued seemingly coordinated...

Sep 20 2010 2:28PM
MDG = Must Devote Greater?

Attention? Resources? Commitment? Finances? Or perhaps all of the above and of course, Greater focus on human rights. Today’s media is abuzz with the opening of the United Nations Summit in New York where world leaders will meet to...

Sep 19 2010 3:21PM
Gypsies/Roma, Scotland,

Please see below an article published today by the Sunday Herald. ://… Thanks for your time. Billy Briggs.

Sep 18 2010 8:58PM
Pope apologises but could do more

I have not been celebrating the visit by the Pope to the UK. Rather it has reminded me of the disagreements I have with his views and policies. There is so much that is controversial, from discrimination against women to prejudice...