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Apr 1 2010 4:43PM
Execution for sorcery? This is no April Fool's joke

Best April Fool of the day? The Guardian’s page three on Labour’s “ Gordon gets violent” election campaign ? Not bad. The Times’ page 19 ad for anti-sweat “Miracle Shirts” (a “real” spoof from Gillette”)? Yes, quite good (like the eye...

Apr 1 2010 9:27AM
China Human Rights Briefing 23-30 March 2010

Highlights CHRD Website Hacked on Heels of Google, Go Daddy Statements : CHRD’s Chinese-language website, , was targeted for the second time this year by a series of directed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. These...

Mar 31 2010 3:05PM
The shock effect of the super Taser

The sight alone of the Taser XREP – or ‘super Taser’ – is enough to send chills down the spine of even the bravest person. Described by my colleague Oliver Sprague as a ‘ shotgun that fires electric-shock bullets ’, the XREP is a...

Mar 30 2010 1:08PM
Five reasons why 17 Indians in the United Arab Emirates shouldnt be executed

Reading about the 17 Indians sentenced to death in the UAE after an alleged gang attack where someone was stabbed repeatedly (shades of the Victoria Station school attack), you might think … OK, fair enough. They had it coming...

Mar 30 2010 12:00PM
Mother's Day action, results and what's next...

Well I certainly remembered to get my Mum a Mother’s Day card this year and make the trip down to South London to see her, but I did have a good reminder! All the previous week I was working with activists and other organisations like...