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Friends, Families and Travellers is a group that seeks to end racism and discrimination against gypsies and travellers, whatever their ethnicity, background and culture. Their website has a section on the Human Rights Act in relation...
Johann Hari, a columnist on the Independent, looks on 2009 as a dark year now drawing to a close. He suggests that we give ourselves hope by looking at the people who have been inspirational during 2009 and gives his list.. Another...
In the 1990s in Angola there was an arms for oil scandal and it has led recently to several dozen convictions in France. Arming Angola was a programme first broadcast on Wednesday 6 January 2010.
Today seesthe beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. We are gathering hereto express our continuing resistance against the tyrannical rule of the ChineseCommunist Party, our contempt for such a coward regime that dare not...
The Iranian authorities shut down internet, monitored mobilephone text messages, but the Iranian people have been circulating their slogansand information on the banknotes. Iran’s regime has claimed to invalidate thebanknotes, but they...