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Charter 08 saw more signatories after the announcement of Liu Xiaobo’s sentence of 11-year imprisonment. If you wish to support Charter 08 ( in English ), pleasesend your name, country or city of residency, affiliation or profession...
Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in prison, plus 2 years' deprivation of political rights. Please refer to NYT article. Please read Liu's trial report in NYT. Please read BBC report Please watch CNN
Everyone loves a list. Shortlist and Stylist mazagine’s popularity are testimony to the success of the format. All the media are chock-a-block with end-of-year lists. And … well, not wanting to be left out, here’s my own end-of-year...
Jon Snow interviewed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Channel 4 News. Snow challenged the Iranian leader in part of the interview with the statements of a defector from the Basij militia . The defector says that he witnessed killings and tried...
See the blog entry on on Akmal Shaikh , the Briton who faces execution in China, by Steve B from the Amnesty media team. The entry includes links to an interview with his brother and to the website of Reprieve. Clive Stafford Smith of...