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May 17 2011 2:40PM
Is Gaddafi headed for The Netherlands?

Is Gaddafi going to end up paying an unintended visit to The Netherlands in the near future? It certainly looks possible. Of course he and others in the Libyan government are now busy sounding off about how the International Criminal...

May 16 2011 6:52PM
Will the Iranian authorities remain blind to human rights?

Thankfully the judicial blinding of a man in Iran , which created a lot of news interest over the weekend, has been postponed. Majid Movahedi was sentenced to “retribution in kind” (qesas) in 2008 after he poured a bucket of acid over...

May 16 2011 2:03PM
A partial list of disappeared individuals under the Chinese regime (16 May 2011)

Ai Weiweiand all those have been detained, arrested, or ‘disappeared’ by the Chineseregime since February. The list also includes Tibetan prisoners of consciencedetained since 2008 and Uighur prisoners of consciencedetained since 2009...

May 16 2011 10:49AM
US women oppose death penalty more than men: A force behind the national effort to end it!

USA: The Death Penalty Gender Gap----Women oppose capital punishment more than men. And they're a force behind the national effort to end it. Monday, April 25, 2011 On March 9, Illinois Gov. Patrick Quinn signed a...

May 13 2011 12:00PM
Human rights and social media - you've never been so important

It’s an important day for us as we publish our latest annual report – The State of the World’s Human Rights Today . And it’s not just important for us here. It’s a big day for any of us who, possibly for the first time, felt we could...