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To say I came to The Act of Killing with high expectations would be an understatement. With two of my all-time favourite filmmakers on board as Executive Producers (Werner Herzog and Errol Morris, in case you’re wondering) and a...
- Into the ether
- By cat
China Human Rights Briefing June 21-27, 2013 Contents Arbitrary Detention 3 More Anti-Corruption Activists Formally Arrested Filmmaker Detained For Recording Petitioners in Black Jail UPR Watch Activists Rally at Ministry of Foreign...
The cavernous wooden ceilings of Glasgow’s Old Fruitmarket concert hall remind me of the hull of an upturned ship. It was a fitting reminder at the Refugee Week Opening Concert that, through countless serendipitous chances, many...
As I type this, there are still a few hours left of Wednesday 26 June in Vietnam. Those are a final few hours of sanctity for some 117 prisoners on Vietnam’s death row. As of midnight tonight, a new law comes into effect which will...
Last week a group of us from the office went to the premier of a documentary at the LSE called Beatrice Mtetwa and The Rule Of Law. Having already seen a short preview of the film the day before we knew we were in for a treat. Since...