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The other day I watched six episodes of TheThick Of It straight off the reel. Now after a l-o-o-o-o-o-ng week of the election campaign. I’m starting to … feel the burn. Probably what’s preventing my head exploding in a Malcolm Tucker...
Three Cups of Tea is the inspiring story of Greg Mortenson's project to provide education, especially for girls, in the remote parts of Pakistan. He was a mountaineer who tried to climb K2 and then arrived in a poor village where he...
Hustings are public meetings at which people can ask questions of the candidates in an election. Churches Together in Britain and Ireland offer on their website details of hustings meetings across the country as the general election...
(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders- April 9, 2010)Plainclothes police officers seized writer and human rights activist GuChuan (古川)as he left his Beijing home this morning, taking him in for seven hoursofinterrogation. While Gu was being...
I reckon the tributes to punk impresario Malcolm McLaren have been selling the old rascal short. Too much focus on the music, too little attention being paid to the spectacle, the protest and the deliberate stage management of outrage...