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For the last two days, reports of women’s rights abuses have dominated the homepage of our site , bringing the subject of violence against women to the fore of Amnesty UK’s online campaigning. Two of the items concern...
Alan in Belfast has done a better summary of the East Belfast Speaks Out event from earlier this week than I could hope to. In the comments section he even includes a link to the BBC radio news report from the event, which features...
I can remember almost exactly five years ago travelling to a school on the outskirts of Belfast where the enterprising Amnesty group had managed to get the whole school PLUS parents to add their faces to the million faces petition...
Lack of justice for women and girls who have been victims of rape and sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations is high on the agenda for Amnesty today. We have two reports looking at the exact theme but in countries...
Statementby Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK on the occasion of the 60thanniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. We are agroup of people from China, Tibet and East Turkestan who stand united inopposition to...