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Who are the most difficult group of people to campaign onbehalf of? Who do people care least about? Prisoners. Why? The argument goes something like: Otherpeople who suffer injustice, poverty or disease have done nothing to deserveit...
The Rainforest Foundation UK tells us of Trouble in Belinga , in Gabon in west-central Africa. Gabon has huge reserves of minerals and there is a project to mine iron ore of which there could be about one billion tonnes. The CMEC...
A reflection: many years ago, back in my early days at Amnesty (a very long time ago, actually) there was a leaflet which asked people to think about everyday household items and how they can be used for non-conventional means. Well...
BREAKING NEWS: Prof William Schabas, head of the Irish Human Rights Centre at NUI Galway and an authority on international justice, is reporting that, through a confidential source in the Registry of the International Criminal Court...
London 31 March 2009 2009 marks a series of important anniversaries. It is 50 years since the Tibetan Uprising, 20 years since the Tiananmen Massacre, 10 years since crackdown on Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party will have...