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Disgraceful speech from the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith this evening, as she dropped proposals for 42 days detention without charge, yet announced a new piece of counter-terrorism legislation to contain similar proposals in response to...
Well done to the 309 peers who stood up and were counted this evening in defence of UK civil liberties by soundly defeating the government 's plans to extend the limit on pre-charge detention of terror suspects to 42 days. Amnesty was...
Today we released a fantastic new online film called "Sleepwalk", the next phase in our campaign against UK government plans to extend detention without charge limits to 42 days. It feels like Ive been working on nothing else for the...
Educating our kids – it’s a big business, but its so much more than that. And so it was that the intrepid Amnesty team found themselves at the Scottish Learning Festival – an annual conference to enhance the learning and teaching...
Big up to the people of Pakistan. We at Amnesty always talk about creating mass movements, but frankly we’ve been dwarfed by what’s happening there. A campaign called Yeh Hum Naheen – This is Not Us – and financed by British and...