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Exclusive and limited edition children's t-shirts, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Exclusive and limited edition children's t-shirts, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
"For Black History Month, I want to reflect on how ethnic representation in children’s books can help counter hostility and show us how diverse our communities really are" by Vini Lander, Professor at the University of Roehampton.
I want "Would you want this woman" above the photo and "to be your best friend?" below, the question and the photo forming the title of the blog. The best friend of Aster Fissehatsion was the Minister of Justice of Eritrea
Written by Thomas Croft and Moraene Roberts, National Coordination Team of ATD Fourth World. Too many people are falling through gaps in service provision in the UK today. Many have no choice but to sleep rough and resort to food banks...