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Highlights Villagers Detained over Election Protest: Nine residents of Raolefu Village, located on the outskirts of Beijing, have been detained for participating in a protest on July 27 over the alleged disruption of a village election...
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has at times blurted out an inappropriate remark or two. Never intended to be harmful or malicious, but sometimes it’s just the wrong thing. For example when meeting the brother of one of my friends...
France continues with the expulsion of Roma people into eastern Europe, despite a growing tide of outrage against this targeting of a particular ethnic group. The French Minister of immigration Eric Besson has announced that around 250...
GLOBAL CAMPAIGN TO FREE SHIVA NAZAR AHARI "RELEASE HER IMMEDIATELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY!" Date before her court: 2 September 2010 Worldwide August 26, 2010 - Shiva Nazar Ahari, a 26-year-old Iranian citizen and human rights defender is...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
GLOBAL CAMPAIGN TO FREE SHIVA NAZAR AHARI "RELEASE HER IMMEDIATELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY!" Date before her court: 2 September 2010 Worldwide August 26, 2010 - Shiva Nazar Ahari, a 26-year-old Iranian citizen and human rights defender is...