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Dec 7 2011 2:16PM
Iran: Farzad Kamangar, teacher trade unionist at risk of execution (part 1) ACT NOW.

This is the first of three postings about Kamangar’s case. He is a Kurdish teacher trade unionist, now 33 years old. In this posting you will find Amnesty’s appeal and a link to our online action. In the second posting you will find...

Dec 7 2011 2:15PM
Iran: Farzad Kamangar, (part 2) his testimony.

This is the second of three postings about Kamangar’s case. In the first posting you will find Amnesty’s appeal and a link to our online action. In this posting you will find Farzad’s account of his treatment in his own words, while in...

Dec 7 2011 2:12PM
About myself, about blogging on Amnesty-Union solidarity

I've had a lot of kind remarks since starting this blog and our friends in the union movement have been very encouraging and keen to get the word out – maybe there's a gap in the "blogosphere" that these postings can help address. I...

Dec 7 2011 2:06PM
Gaza Update (3) Support humanitarian aid

As suggested in my last posting on Gaza , I wasn't planning to post again so soon on Gaza, but here's a personal response to the BBC fiasco … I will leave it to others to make the case more cogently than I, but I do believe the refusal...

Dec 7 2011 2:05PM
A labour movement hero speaks out for Amnesty

This blog is a celebration of 30 years of Amnesty trade union solidarity, or more precisely, the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of Amnesty UK’s Trade Union Network in 1979, which is certainly thriving and striving these days. We’re...