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Feb 10 2011 2:49PM
Bloggers beware in Thailand

As local politicos, hacks, twitterati and bloggers prepare for this evening’s Slugger Awards , let’s spare a thought for Chiranuch Premchaiporn , Thailand’s Mick Fealty , currently on trial in Bangkok. Her crime? Not removing comments...

Feb 10 2011 12:52PM
Which Way Home?

Amnesty is building a nice relationship with the Glasgow Youth Film Festival . This innovative and growing project features workshop sessions from tv production and script writing through to breakdancing. My own session was a little...

Feb 10 2011 9:27AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  February 2-8, 2011

ArbitraryDetention OnEve of New Year, Hubei Activist Yao LifaKidnapped, Held in Jiangxi Province Hubei-based humanrights defender Yao Lifa (姚立法)was kidnapped and held for three days, first in Wuhanand later in a hotel inNanchang City...

Feb 9 2011 3:02PM
#feb12global: its a numbers game this Saturday

The protests are nothing if not unpredictable, and after a media story had set in earlier this week about the Egyptian protests “running out of steam”, we’ve now had, according to most estimates, the biggest so far. With newly-released...

Feb 8 2011 1:09PM
Documentary film stolen

The final version of a documentary film about the jailed Russian oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, has been stolen days before its planned premiere in Berlin. Update, 14 Feb. 2011: . The verdict in the case of Khordorkovsky was handed...