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Alarming news from Iran (again). This time it’s the fact that there’s been a death sentence over the election protests. Mohammad Reza Ali-Zamani , a 37-year-old, is now facing death by hanging for the crime of supposedly taking up arms...
Three juveniles are in the imminent threat of being executed in Iran. All three have been sentenced to death by hanging. Behnoud Shojai, Safar Anguti and Mohemmad Reza Hadadi were under 18 when they got involved in the crimes...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
There's something about Mary I'm a long self-confessed fan of Mary Robinson . I even had the chance to host her in Belfast last year when she gave the Amnesty International Annual Lecture. The former Irish President and UN High...
At the weekend my partner was watching Gandhi , one of our DVD rentals from (the excellent) Sofa Cinema. “I’m not that interested”, I said. “Seen it”. “Not that good.” “Ben Kingsley as Gandhi? Hmm, not sure.” I was stubborn, adamant. I...
The General Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) heard this afternoon from an incredibly brave trade unionist from Guinea, where last week the army brutally broke up a peaceful demonstration for democracy which...