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Feb 19 2011 11:39AM
Chinese Police Must End Enforced Disappearances of Human Rights Activists

(Chinese Human RightsDefenders- February 18, 2011)More than two days after police officers forced openthe door to his Beijinghome and dragged him away, human rights lawyer TangJitian (唐吉田) remains missing.Though officials have stated...

Feb 19 2011 10:23AM
Use of Child Soldiers in Chad

A new report by Amnesty International ' Chad: A compromised future: Children recruited by armed forces and groups in eastern Chad' is calling on Chad to put an end to the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict. The report...

Feb 19 2011 9:38AM
Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh released from Jail in India

*Posted on behalf of Frances Ainley* Good news! Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh has finally been released fromadministrative detention on 10 February 2011. Amnesty Internationalbelieves that public campaigning by the Urgent Action Network may...

Feb 19 2011 9:35AM
Jordan Brown's lawyer 'pleased by the way the oral arguments went'

*Posted on behalf of Frances* We have heard an update on 13 year old Jordan Brown's case -you'll remember Amnesty International have been campaigning on thiscase. Jordan Brown is accused of murdering his father's girlfriend whileaged...

Feb 18 2011 7:24PM
Blood on the streets, UK weapons in the Middle East

It’s not often you see doctors and other medical staff shouting and screaming with anger, but that’s exactly what’s been happening in Bahrain. Staff at the Salminiya hospital in Manama have been expressing absolute outrage at the...