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Imagine is the theme for this year’s Refugee Week, 15-21 June, and here are three learning activities that will give your children an understanding of refugees.
London marks 31st anniversary of #TiananmenMassacre #June4倫敦悼念 #天安門大屠殺 #六四31周年 #6431truth #八九六四 #StandWithHongKong
Due to London's Covid-19 lockdown rules that restrict meetings in public spaces to groups of six, commemoration of the June 4 Massacre will be carried out in a spontaneous way this year. Individuals and small groups who want to go to...
Celebrate our right to equality by rewriting a story so that a supporting character is now the hero.
Celebrate freedom of expression by collecting stories from friends and family. Write them onto butterfly shapes to create a flutter of stories.