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Oct 9 2015 11:03PM
'Marwan' sits behind bars. His crime? 'Confessing' he's gay

It's the start of term for students. I strongly dislike the start of term. After four relaxing and worry-free months off, I'm faced with the prospect of writing my 10,000 word dissertation. Ergh. Just ergh. Conversations with my...

Oct 8 2015 1:17PM
With no deterrence to atrocities, Syria will continue to fragment

By Kristyan Benedict - Amnesty International UK @KreaseChan On October 6 I spoke on a panel at the Frontline Club about the horrific Caesar photos and the ongoing search for justice and accountability in Syria. Below is a summary...

Oct 6 2015 6:26PM
Theresa May's absence of evidence is evidence of absence

Party conference speeches are often heavy on the rhetoric, light on the detail. They are meant to be rousing and engaging, after all, so I guess statistics, research and, I don't know...proof, often get bumped for metaphors and even...

Oct 5 2015 1:50PM
The UK is trading away its credibility in its relations with Saudi Arabia and China

The revelation that the UK secretly supported the candidacy of Saudi Arabia for a place on the United Nations’ Human Rights Council is a fascinating - if disconcerting - peek behind the diplomatic curtain. It appears to have been a...

Oct 2 2015 10:52AM
15 reasons to celebrate the Human Rights Act

Crack open the champagne and hang up the bunting – the Human Rights Act is 15 years old today. Okay, maybe not the bunting, but it really is a moment to celebrate. The Human Rights Act has made it easier for every one of us to protect...