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May 13 2015 6:13PM
A most serious threat to our human rights

So we’re really here. After years of misrepresentation , demonisation and untruths , has the Human Rights Act had its day? Will the government turn its back on the sense of fairness we’ve aspired to since Magna Carta to say that some...

May 11 2015 11:10AM
Families are stronger than cages

By Lucy Barnett, Country Coordinator – Bahrain and United Arab Emirates Friday marks the International Day of Families. The theme this year is ‘men in charge? Gender equality and children’s rights in contemporary families’ and it got...

Apr 30 2015 1:08PM
Looking for a place to call home: forced evictions in Colombia

María is tired of being forced to move from place to place. The 54-year-old adjusts her colourful headscarf and sighs heavily. She is one of Colombia’s six million forcibly displaced people. For years María called El Tamarindo home...

Apr 29 2015 5:06PM
Mediterranean crisis: ‘We don’t let people drown’

I’ve just returned from meeting with shipwreck survivors, the coastguard and officials in Lampedusa – the Italian island on the frontline of the crisis in the Mediterranean Sea. It was incredibly harrowing but, as always, I was truly...

Apr 28 2015 3:42PM
People can change – if you let them live

Update: Indonesia executed eight of the nine prisoners . Mary Jane Veloso was given a last-minute stay of execution. We will continue to work on her case. On the back of Myuran Sukumaran’s portrait of Indonesian President Widodo the...