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Mar 6 2015 12:00AM
Digital human rights in Pakistan

I recently visited Pakistan and interviewed an organisation based in Islamabad that focuses on information and communications technology to promote human rights. My report was published yesterday by The National. Please click on the...

Mar 3 2015 4:31PM
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Take action for prisoners of conscience in Eritrea

Guest blogger Alex Jackson is our country expert on Eritrea and Somalia. The late nineties and early noughties were momentous years. I was living in Eritrea, and war with Ethiopia had consumed the country. Our passion for peace and...

Mar 2 2015 9:34AM
Philip Hammond and Nick Clegg must speak out about Mexico's torture problem

Update, 5 March: Following your actions on Facebook and Twitter, human rights were raised with President Peña Nieto several times during his visit, by both the Deputy PM Nick Clegg , and by David Cameron . Thank you for taking action...

Mar 1 2015 7:37PM
Women’s March: Resistance, Uprising, Solidarity

This month marks the first anniversary of the death of Cao Shunli, a Chinese human rights activist who died in police custody on 14 March 2014. To memorise Cao Shunli, artist Johanna Zhang has created paintings and prints that reenact...

Feb 28 2015 9:05AM
50 days since 50 lashes - why won't Saudi Arabia release Raif Badawi?

Tell Raif Badawi you have not forgotten him 50 days ago, a 29-year-old man serving a ten-year prison sentence in Saudi Arabia was taken from his cell and driven to a square in Jeddah in a district populated with government buildings...