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Dec 16 2014 6:00PM
Our top six Christmas gifts with a difference

There's so much pressure to spend big at Christmas, we don’t always have the chance to take a step back and think about the impact our cash has. As consumers we're accountable for our spending, but making ethical shopping choices isn't...

Dec 16 2014 10:14AM
"rule by law" (法制) and "rule of law" (法治)

There is a confusion of "rule by law" (法制) and "rule of law" (法治) in Chinese Context. Their meanings are totally different. Rule of law is the respect for law, and is above the Party-state. Rule by law is using the law as a tool. It...

Dec 16 2014 9:24AM
Holiday Trials & Other Moves Possible for Detained Activists & Lawyers

Holiday Trials & Other Moves Possible for Detained Activists & Lawyers Five activists and lawyers seized since the spring of 2013 may face trial soon, according to CHRD sources. It is believed that Chinese authorities may hold court...

Dec 15 2014 4:22PM
Get your own House in order – UK’s torture allegations

So we now know that the CIA used ‘waterboarding’, mock execution, ‘rectal feeding’, sleep deprivation, stress positions and other cruel and degrading treatment against detainees. What we still don’t know is how deeply the UK government...

Dec 13 2014 9:22AM
Time Will Never Say, a prisoner's account

On 9 DEcember, International Coalition Against Violence in Iran-ICAVI organised the launch of Ramin Jahanbegloo's memoirs: "Time Will Never Say". IN 2007, Ramin was detained at the airport while bording a flight to Brussels. He was...