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Dec 7 2014 12:14PM
Human Rights Day solidarity vigil in London. Reclaiming Peoples' Future, in Solidarity and Defiance!

"Solidarity" written in Chinese, Uyghur and Tibetan scripts. Join us on 10 Dec, 6-9pm, outside Chinese Embassy in London: Reclaiming Peoples' Rights and Future, in Solidarity and Defiance! 倫敦人權團體聯合籌備國際人權日,華維藏文書寫“團結”。请加入我们...

Dec 5 2014 5:48PM
Why the Scott Panetti case strikes at the heart of the death penalty debate

On Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the execution of Scott Panetti to “fully consider the late arriving and complex legal questions at issue” . Panetti has a long history of acute mental health problems, having been...

Dec 4 2014 10:36PM
A partial list of detained after expressing support for Hong Kong Democracy 4 Dec 2014

Updated on 4 Dec 2014 Activists, writers, artists in China have been detained for expressing support for the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests. Some of them have been detained only becasue the authority linked them with those expressing...

Dec 4 2014 1:19PM
Nip any independent and dissident activities and voice in bud: the New Repressive Methods and Old Totalitarian institutions

After Xi Jinping came to power, Chinese regime has nipped any potential activity in bud, by the new repressive methods and old totalitarian institutions. Law is one of the authority's tool to control society, judicial interpretation...

Dec 3 2014 4:36PM
Where is the justice for torture victims in the Philippines?

When a man’s severed head turns up in Manila Bay with three gunshots through the cranium, one would reasonably expect the authorities to fast-track the investigation of such a grisly crime. But justice for the victim and the family...