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May 19 2008 10:57PM
Bobby Sands: hero, villain or other?

I really hate it when people who have not seen a film or play take it upon themelves to comment publicly on it – usually to criticise it in a Mary Whitehouse-style way, slamming the producers and urging others not to see it either. So...

May 19 2008 2:02PM
Consigning cluster munitions to chapters of history

Discussions begin in Dublin today to develop the treaty for a ban of cluster bombs. The UK Government is one of more than 100 attending the negotiations. But as Martin Bell points out in today’s Independent, it seem it cannot decide on...

May 19 2008 10:53AM
Gore Vidal: in his own words

That brilliant American man of letters, Gore Vidal , was featured on the South Bank Show last night. Melvyn Bragg had secured an interview with the great man in his new LA home, after decades of self-imposed exile in Italy. I have...

May 18 2008 1:41PM
Ethical arms trade?????

"Ethical Arms Trade?" is the title of an article in the New Statesman but I felt that it needed a few more question marks. The article by Andrew Feinstein is critical of BAE and of the report on its practices by the Woolf committee. He...

May 18 2008 1:15PM
China's earthquake disaster

The Chinese government do seem to be taking prompt and effective action for the victims of the earthquake. It is a contrast with the Burmese government's response so far to the cyclone. How far are natural disasters entirely natural...