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Feb 18 2009 2:55PM
The Man From Amnesty, He Says No

The reaction of our campaigns director, when I told him that the Abu Qatada deportation case was back in the news today, was priceless: “Oh God”. He was no doubt recalling one of his first live TV interviews, a head-to-head with...

Feb 17 2009 9:59PM
Organisation in Russia challenging hate crime

SOVA (or in the Russian spelling COBA) is an organisation that reports on and challenges hate crime and ultra-nationalism. There are some pages in English on the SOVA website . You can also subscribe to weekly reports in the English...

Feb 17 2009 9:42PM
Photographers zoom in on rights abuses

If anyone doubts that social and economic rights are real human rights, then they should take a look at this powerful picture, by Brazilian photographer Luiz Vasconcelos, one of the winners of the 2008 World Press Photo of the Year...

Feb 17 2009 9:40PM
More civilians killed in Afghanistan

Afghan civilian casualty rate at highest since Taliban rule, the Guardian headline reads today. A UN report says that more civilians were killed in Afghanistan in 2008 that in 2007. The number of civilians killed by US, NATO and Afghan...

Feb 17 2009 1:04PM
The times they arent a changin

Dame Stella Rimington, former head of MI5, has spoken out in a Spanish newspaper ( syndicated to the Telegraph ) about her worries that the government is exploiting fears of terrorism to expand its powers and undermine civil liberties...