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Sep 7 2015 1:50PM
Syria: Could the UN Break the Siege of Douma?

by Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty International UK - @KreaseChan Douma, like many besieged and bombed parts of Syria, has slipped out of the mainstream news again. The humanitarian catastrophe there is still very much a reality though and...

Sep 4 2015 5:04PM
Sudanese young women face flogging for wearing trousers

By Sophia Blake, Children's Human Rights Network When I was 15 I went through a (thankfully brief) phase of wearing all blue outfits. Blue top, blue boots, I even had blue mascara. It might be embarrassing to admit to now but I imagine...

Sep 3 2015 12:00PM
Tell David Cameron – refugees are welcome

Update 7 September: Due to the huge amount of public pressure , the Prime Minister has bowed to pressure and agreed to accept 20,000 more Syrian refugees over the next five years. This is a step forward but does nothing to help the...

Aug 21 2015 4:08PM
Disciplined for toothpaste and Vanity Fair? Send a message of support to Chelsea Manning

A tube of expired toothpaste. Caitlyn Jenner’s infamous Vanity Fair magazine cover. Cosmopolitan magazine. Malala Yusafsai’s autobiography. The US Senate Report on Torture. What do all of these things have in common? They have all been...

Aug 21 2015 11:18AM
A deal in Calais, but the UK must do more

Europe’s refugee ‘crisis’ continues to dominate headlines. This week, EU external border agency Frontex reported a record number of 107,500 people had arrived at Europe's borders irregularly – that is without permission and via...