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Nov 15 2013 3:23PM
Big Fat Lies – the Truth about Scottish Gypsy Travellers

Our Campaigns volunteer Jana Lopusna is in myth-busting mode to celebrate the United Nations International Day for Tolerance Scottish Gypsy Travellers are subjected to misleading articles in the media and have even been called the last...

Nov 15 2013 2:12PM
Cameron raises Sri Lanka's war crimes - but is it too little, too late?

As David Cameron arrives in Colombo, fresh from a grilling in India about his choice to attend the Commonwealth head of government meeting (CHOGM) he seems to have found his voice at last on human rights concerns. But is his outcry...

Nov 15 2013 12:07PM
Demonstrating again, and again, and again, despite the risks and violence. Welcome to Nabi Saleh.

Imagine you live in a small village, and a big chunk of the village’s land is stolen by an illegal settlement, accompanied by an occupying army. Then, not satisfied with stealing your land, the occupiers also steal your water supply...

Nov 14 2013 5:19PM
The Men Vanish, the Women Insist on Finding Them

For the Rangel family, 10 November will always be a day of sorrow. On that day four years ago, Héctor Rangel Ortiz phoned his family from a hotel in Monclova, Coahuila, to say that the municipal police had stopped him and his two...

Nov 14 2013 1:27PM
Deniers, amnesiacs and stonewallers: step aside. Time to deal with the past in Northern Ireland

The deniers, amnesiacs, refuseniks and blockers have been out in force of late. Anne Cadwallader’s book, Lethal Allies , documenting collusion in over one hundred loyalist killings was received with predictable, knee-jerk denials among...