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*Posted on behalf of Frances* We have heard an update on 13 year old Jordan Brown's case -you'll remember Amnesty International have been campaigning on thiscase. Jordan Brown is accused of murdering his father's girlfriend whileaged...
It’s not often you see doctors and other medical staff shouting and screaming with anger, but that’s exactly what’s been happening in Bahrain. Staff at the Salminiya hospital in Manama have been expressing absolute outrage at the...
For all I know the Trinidadian prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar may have a long-held personal belief in the value of capital punishment. She may even be a member of what we (rather over-quaintly) used to call the “hang ‘em and...
The International Trade Union Confederation has demanded that the Bahraini authorities immediately cease their violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, and start talks with the trade union movement and other civil society groups...
After 30 years of grinding poverty and repression, the people of Egypt have taken to the streets to call for change. But now that Mubarak is gone and political transition is underway, what reforms need to happen to satisfy the dreams...