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*Posted on behalf of Frances* Amnesty International continues its campaign calling on the prosecution to drop its pursuit of trial in an adult court for 13-year-old Jordan Brown. Jordan Brown is accused of murdering his father's...
For the second day running, I’m kicking off a post with a @jrug (C4 News’ Jonathan Rugman) tweet (hey, he gives good tweet!), sent while covering the upheaval in Tunisia: “Israeli journo covering Tunis protests: ‘They shout Palestinian...
(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, January 17, 2011) In a speech beforethe United Nations last fall, President Obamaemphasized that “part of theprice of our own freedom is standing up for thefreedom of others,” statingthat “this belief...
*Posted on behalf of Frances* Congratulations! We have made it through apparently the most depressing Monday of the year in the UK (January 17th) where getting out of bed is at its most difficult. So, as we settle in for the rest of...
A momentous weekend, but what next in Tunisia? A weekend tweet from Channel Four News’ Jonathan Rugman ( @jrug ) from Tunis captured the sense of uncertainty very nicely. “Poster of Ben Ali being taken down to reveal a blank – who will...