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It’s a blast from the past, and not a very pleasant one at that. George W Bush’s remarks justifying waterboarding in interviews to promote his memoir are … frankly, appalling. Here’s a bit from today’s Times: Asked if he authorised the...
There are some things in life you expect as a given. Night follows day, rain on Bonfire Night, and the Liberal Democrats supporting human rights. But wait a minute, what was this on the Today programme this morning , none other than...
Here's a story I did for Scotland On Sunday today about child trafficking to the UK. The article focuses on the particularly disturbing story of a Nigerian girl trafficked to Scotland recently.
You might think that in France the right to peaceful protest would be respected. No, not if the protest might irritate Hu Jintao , the visiting Chinese leader. The protestors were urging the release of Liu Xiaobo, awarded the Nobel...
To: Rt Hon David Cameron MP To: Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg MP CC: Members of Parliament and Citizens in the world 06 November 2010 Dear Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minster, I am a former political prisoner from China living in exilein...