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Iran has become a country of hostage taking and terror. American kids, hicking the mountains are taken hostage; French lecturer innocent of any crime is taken hostage; Iranian academics who travel to the country to see their families...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Amnesty International has condemned the closed trial and conviction ofthree Uighur website managers on state security charges. Dilshat Perhat, web manager and owner of the Diyarim website wassentenced to five years by an Urumqi court...
(Chinese Human Rights Defenders-July 30, 2010) Agroup of Chinese lawyers and scholars have made public an open letter expressing concern about the“criminalization of speech” in the case ofUyghur journalist Hailaite Niyazi, who was...
Everyone should have access to clean, safe drinking water. Seems fairly obvious, you might be thinking. That is a fundamental human right, right? Well no, not according to all of the countries represented at the UN General Assembly...
A letter in the Guardian yesterday expresses the alarm of more than 40 signatories about Kenneth Clarke's proposed changes on the right to arrest war crime suspects. Those who have signed the letter include parliamentarians, trade...