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While queuing to buy a paper at my local newsagents this morning I noticed Michael Jackson’s greatest hits were being played in the background. It took me a little while to clock that as well as the shop owners being Jacko fans, they...
The epic stand-off on Wimbledon’s court 18 yesterday, made compelling viewing as the two men battled it out under the gaze of a sweltering, yet captivated audience, trying desperately to commit the players’ names and ever ascending...
Sakineh Mohameddi Ashtiani a prisoner at one of Tabriz prisons in the north-west Iran is on the verge of being stoned to death. In 2006 she confessed to being the lover to the two men who murdered her husband. She later withdrew her...
Highlights Beijing Activists Harassed Ahead of Dragon Boat Festival: Beijing police, concerned that local activists and netizens would be gathering together during the Dragon Boat Festival, harassed and briefly detained a number of...
A jailed Tibetan environmentalist used the opening of his trial to accuse Chinese captors of beatings, sleep deprivation and other maltreatment, his wife told reporters. Karma Samdrup – a prominent businessman and award-winning...