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Apr 20 2010 1:32PM
A letter that breaks your heart

We have already written about Shabnam Madadzadeh in this blog. A univestity student and deputy assistant to a branch of one of the legitimate political parties in Iran. Shabnam was arrested more than a year ago by the security forces...

Apr 19 2010 9:48PM
Abuse in Afghanistan: More4 on Tuesday 20 April

More4 shows the fate of boys who are recruited as dancers in northern Afghanistan and then become victims of abuse. The film, The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, is on More4 at 10 pm on Tuesday 20 April 2010.

Apr 19 2010 5:08PM
Ash and Cobra: A lesson for Burma

Loads of ash piles out of an Icelandic volcano, northern Europe’s airports grind to a halt, thousands of Brits are left stranded as the Daily Mail among others has reported. There’s only one option. Step forward the Cobra Committee...

Apr 19 2010 1:54PM
Earthquake in Tibet, A Tibetan Blogger Asks...

The death toll from an earthquake in Tibetan area last week reached 1,944 today according to official statistics. HighPeaks Pure Earth has translated a blogpost originally written in Chinese by a Tibetan blogger calling themselves "The...

Apr 19 2010 1:00PM
Three Fujian Digital Activists Convicted as Thousands Gather in Landmark Protest

(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders- April 16, 2010) Fujianactivists Fan Yanqiong (范燕琼),Wu Huaying (吴华英),and You Jingyou (游精佑)were convicted of "slander" today forposting articles and video online urging government officials...