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Recently someleaders in democratic countries including Japan, Australia, France andthe US, have either announced or indicated their decisions to attendthe opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. I have no doubt that suchirresponsible...
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder is a recently published book which has now reached the American bestseller lists without having received a single review in the mainstream American media. Irony knowing no bounds, the New...
Gordon Brown recently asked members of the public to pose questions tohim on Youtube, which he’s then responded to in a Youtube clip. Rathera nice idea. One of those selected was a colleague of mine who askedabout 42 days pre-charge...
It's July 11th. This time last year I was prompted to write on the personal and political significance of the date in Northern Ireland. A few people were kind enough to remark positively on the piece. Given the day that's in it, our...
Two things today, neither nice. Rape and racism. Yesterday the Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police John Yates (“Yates of the Yard”!) called for all police forces to set up a specialist unit to investigate rape allegations...