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Rose George is not afraid to write about toilets, or the lack of them. Her Guardian article points out the importance of sanitation for preventing disease and says that many countries are falling short. She says that the sanitation...
Beat the Bullies is a film that had its first showing in Birmingham recently. It aims to help people with learning disabilities cope with bullying. It was made by a group of adults with learning disabilities who live in the city.
As regular readers of this blog will know – both of them! – the topic of Israel and Palestine has a marked tendency to polarise opinion (see Sebastian and Alex’s epic, Wimbledon tennis-like exchange in the comment thread for a recent...
While queuing to buy a paper at my local newsagents this morning I noticed Michael Jackson’s greatest hits were being played in the background. It took me a little while to clock that as well as the shop owners being Jacko fans, they...
The epic stand-off on Wimbledon’s court 18 yesterday, made compelling viewing as the two men battled it out under the gaze of a sweltering, yet captivated audience, trying desperately to commit the players’ names and ever ascending...