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Statement by International coalition against Violence in Iran (ICAVI) A year ago at this time Iranians were preparing themselves to participate in the tenth presidential elections, hoping to select from among the 4 designated...
One of the big stories of the day has been the revelation that the UK government plans to return Afghan child asylum-seekers to Kabul , via a £4m “rehabilitation centre” that it plans to build. It’s a worrying idea. You only have to...
LONDON NGOS UNITE TO HIGHLIGHT THE DETERIORATING HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN IRAN Unite for Iran is a week of events bringing together ARTICLE 19, Amnesty International UK, Exiled Writers Ink, Human Rights Watch, Prisoners of Conscience...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
LONDON NGOS UNITE TO HIGHLIGHT THE DETERIORATING HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN IRAN Unite for Iran is a week of events bringing together ARTICLE 19, Amnesty International UK, Exiled Writers Ink, Human Rights Watch, Prisoners of Conscience...
Our friends at CRIN (the Child Rights Information Network ) have launched a new website as a follow-up to the UN Secretary-General's 2006 Study on Violence Against Children . They have sent out a communication on the background and the...