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Jun 3 2010
It has been 20 years since June Fourth, but there are still eight so-called“thugs” who are still being held. They are Zhu Gengsheng ( 朱更生 ), Li Yujun ( 李玉君 ), Chang Jingqiang (常景强), Yang Pu ( 杨璞 ), Jiang Yaqun ( 姜亚群 ), Miao Deshun (...
Jun 3 2010
At noon today I’ll be standing outside the Azerbaijan embassy (in glorious sunshine thankfully), together with other free speech campaigners, demanding the release of jailed journalist Eynulla Fatullayev. It’s a joint demo between...
Jun 3 2010
For every entry of the list: first line is the name, Secondline is the address.Gao Zhisheng disappeared. Please call on the PLA, CCP and PRC top leaders to allow access to Gao Zhisheng by UN representative. 1:TanZhuoren(谭作人)...
Jun 3 2010