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OK I’ll own up. I’m a big sports fan. And today I’ll have to admit that I’ve got half an eye on events in St Lucia. At 4.30 this afternoon England take on Sri Lanka for a place in the final of the Twenty20 World Cup. Can the England...
The QUB Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice Annual Lecture will take place on Thursday 20th May at 5.30pm, in Room 121, Lanyon Building. This year the theme is: “ Re-conceptualising Fair Trial Rights for the 21st Century ”...
The Cannes Film Festival opens today, but come Friday one seat on the prestigious Cannes jury panel will be empty. Acclaimed film director Ja’far Panahi was due to join the jury panel, chaired this year by Tim Burton, but he is...
Fereshteh Ghazi Roozonline Daily It is a long-standing tradition that when some one is due for execution they inform them the night before so they write their will and say farewll to their families and friends. At 10 PM on Satuarday 8...
Tom Parker (Amnesty USA) is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr, who was only 16 when first detained there. His blog details interrogation techniques used on Omar Khadr...