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Please join in Signature Campaign: Moving Towards Universal Suffrage
Below is a statement from a woman currently being detained in Yarls Wood. This week a number of detainees protested about their conditions. Mojirola Daniels – Speaks Out Full summary of the treatment that I received at Yarl's wood...
This is from the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, with regards to an upsurge in fighting in Somalia. Upsurge in fighting drives more Somalis from Mogadishu Clashes between government forces and the Al-Shabaab militia in the Somali capital...
(Chinese Human Rights Defenders,February 11, 2010) – CHRD learnedtoday that the Beijing Municipal High Court rejected the appeal of LiuXiaobo (刘晓波), China’sbest-known dissident intellectual and humanrights activist. Liu was convicted...
Today marks the anniversary of the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran 31 years ago, traditionally a day of mass rallies in Tehran and other Iranian cities. Most Iran-watchers have predicted that it will be a flash-point between...