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The Shenzhen Intermediate Court declaredtwenty-year old migrant worker Xue Mingkai (薛明凯) guilty of"subversion of state power" in a public hearing on February 10 andsentenced him to one and a half years in prison. Xue was tried...
I’ve railed against the secrecy reflex of the UK state before, but today, for once, I’m pleased that knee-jerk secrecy has been set aside in today’s Court of Appeal ruling on the Binyam Mohamed case. The supposedly US relationship...
UPDATE: We are still monitoring the success of the pilot project that the government has started for 3 months. The project should be ended at the end of February and we can already see some points where we will need you to follow up...
(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders- February 9, 2010) TanZuoren (谭作人),human rights activist and environmentalist, wassentenced today to five years in prison with an additional three years’deprivation of political rights for “inciting...
On February 1979, Iran's political system of governance changed hands. The long-standing 2,500 years monarchy was overthrown by the people and replaced by a republic which dominated by religous sentiments and a religous leader who...
- Focus Iran
- By neda