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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 30 2009 5:23PM
Whos wearing the trousers in Sudan?  

There are some articles I have to read twice because I simply cannot believe the story, and that was most certainly the case for story in today’s Daily Mail among other news outlets of a woman in Sudan who is at risk of being flogged...

Jul 29 2009 12:00PM
@amnestyuk vs @shelldotcom

A simple Twitter message, repeated by just a few hundred users, and the world’s biggest company was scrambling to set up an online dialogue. The request was for an opportunity to discuss Amnesty’s recent report ‘ Petroleum, Pollution...

Jul 29 2009 9:42AM
Iranian protesters some released, some to stand trial, some tortured, some dead

We’ve had Shirin Ebadi – Nobel Peace Prize winner and one of Iran’s most high-profile human rights activists – visiting Amnesty’s International HQ in London this week. Look out for an interview with her on Channel 4 News tonight. In a...

Jul 28 2009 9:47AM
Seven Jewish Children

Last Thursday and Friday I went to see Mirrorball, a drama group from Rathmelton, Donegal, perform Caryl Churchills controversial play "Seven Jewish Children ". The play was perfomed by a cross border cast from L'Derry and Donegal and...

Jul 28 2009 5:43AM
The lives of women are secondary

Never an easy decision for a woman to make, but here in the UK women can rest assured in the knowledge that the option to carry out an abortion is available should her life be at serious risk as a result of the pregnancy or if she is a...