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Jul 27 2009 6:39AM
U2 honours Aung San Suu Kyi as trial nears end

As the verdict of Aung San Suu Kyi’s trial edges nearer, Amnesty International will later today name the Burmese leader as its “Ambassador of Conscience”. Aung San Suu Kyi is a long-standing Amnesty International prisoner of conscience...

Jul 25 2009 3:08PM
Iranian beauty (in Belfast)

With her green silk headscarf, designer sunglasses and classic Persian features, she was every inch the Iranian beauty. Yet when the UTV camera crew hoved into view, she moved off to the side. When Donal, our photographer for the day...

Jul 24 2009 10:29AM
The Man's response

So how did yesterday’s webchat with Shell go? At Amnesty, lots of us sat together in a lively hub submitting questions to Shell and chatting online with others who are concerned about the impacts of the oil industry in the Niger Delta...

Jul 23 2009 9:47AM
Trouble in Paradise

A friend told me a couple of weeks ago that he once went on one of those ‘all expenses paid’ holidays to the Caribbean with a girlfriend and hated it. They were on a compound surrounded by barbed wire, “to keep out the locals” and his...

Jul 23 2009 9:45AM
Trouble in Paradise

A friend told me a couple of weeks ago that he once went on one of those ‘all expenses paid’ holidays to the Caribbean with a girlfriend and hated it. They were on a compound surrounded by barbed wire, “to keep out the locals” and his...