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Jun 7 2009 11:18AM
FW:  Kate Adie Returns to Tiananmen Square

Kate Adie Returns to Tiananmen Square

Jun 6 2009 3:25PM
Turkey: teacher trade unionists arrested on terrorism charges for demanding collective bargaining rights

On 28 May, the Turkish police invaded headquarters of KESK (the public sector trade union confederation) in Ankara as well as their local offices in Izmir, Istanbul, Van and Manisa. More than 30 Egitim Sem members (teaching union...

Jun 5 2009 5:34PM
Is Dick Cheney President Obamas political doppelganger?

Long, long ago, when I were a mere university undergrad, they used to talk a lot in my English Lit department about “doubles” and doppelgänger s. I was always reading essays called “Doubles in the longer tales of Edgar Allen Poe” or...

Jun 5 2009 4:32PM
Truth versus justice

I have previously suggested that the most effective way for a post-conflict society to move towards long-term peace, stability and reconciliation is to confront and interrogate the past and maximise the scope for justice. Yet what if...

Jun 5 2009 10:33AM
Today in History: martial law in Beijing 2 June

Three prominent intellectuals – Zhou Duo, Liu Xiaobo and Gao Xin – anda Taiwanese singer – Hou Dejian – began their hunger strike at thesquare, protesting the government's actions. They also criticised thestudents for being...