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The government announced new restrictions on foreign reporters. Ifenforced, the restrictions would, in effect, bar reporters from writingany articles on the democracy movement. Banners supporting the government hung outside many major...
Reports indicated that several thousands people manipulated by the local authority in a county in Beijing, held a rally supporting LiPeng. The group shouted "Down with Fang Lizhi" and claimed that FangLizhi was a conspirator. The...
The Goddess of Democracy statue was erected early in the morning andplaced in Tiananmen Square facing the portrait of Mao Zedong hangingfrom Tiananmen. Official news program, in long criticisms, bitterly condemned the newlyerected...
About a hundred thousand people on foot and on bicycles marched throughthe capital to demand more democracy and the resignation of Li Peng.Police and soldiers made no move to interfere. The protest was part ofan "International Chinese...
Fifteen hundred students, most from outside Beijing, remained at thesquare. Many of the students from Beijing started to clean up and packtheir belongings to return home. Some participants called an end to their long protest at...