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May 27 2009 7:29PM
Today in History: martial law in Beijing 26 May

Although the numbers were diminishing, about twenty thousand studentdemonstrators – many of them from outside the Beijing area – continuedto occupy Tiananmen Square throughout the day. Many left at nightfall. In an attempt to build up...

May 27 2009 7:25PM
Today in History:  martial law in Beijing on 25 May

Army troops continued to withdraw from the outskirts of the capital. While ten of thousands continued to rally in Tiananmen Square,approximately a hundred thousand workers and students held newdemonstrations throughout Beijing city to...

May 27 2009 7:20PM
Today in History:  martial law in Beijing 23 May

Three men who said they were from Hunan province (Mao Zedong'sbirthplace) defaced Mao's portrait on Tiananmen Square by splatteringpaint and eggs on it. The portrait was quickly covered. Many studentswere infuriated with the defacement...

May 27 2009 6:38PM
Lawyers Face Revocation of their Licenses for Defending Human Rights

(Chinese Human Rights Defenders – May 25, 2009)—CHRD learnedtoday that law firms employing some of the most vocal human rights lawyers inChina have been pressed by the local authorities to “fail” the lawyers in theannual evaluation of...

May 27 2009 1:25PM
They havent done a very good job on you - MI5 and torture

Another week, another MI5 torture collusion allegation. Or that’s how it‘s beginning to feel. The Guardian’s front-page story today on the torture and arbitrary detention a British man called Jamil Rahman says he suffered in Bangladesh...