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Oct 30 2011 1:29AM
Speech at Syria: The Road to Freedom - March and demonstration on 29 October 2011

Thank you. It is my great honor to speak atthis historical moment and to stand in solidarity with the Syrian people. 2011marks Arab Spring, to topple dictators. Tunisia Egyptian,Libyan people are continuing their democratization...

Oct 27 2011 12:27AM
China Human Rights Briefing   October 21-26, 2011

Highlights Activists, Authorities Stay Closely Focused on Chen Guangcheng: Authorities have kept up the harassment and intimidation of activists who harbor plans to visit lawyer and activist Chen Guangcheng (陈光诚) in Shandong Province...

Oct 25 2011 4:30AM
Iranian bus workers' union leaders summonsed

The global union for transport workers, ITF, has expressed concerns about summonses to attend court issued to Seyed Davood Razavi, a former treasurer of the Tehran bus drivers’ union, the Vahed Syndicate, and to his fellow Vahed...

Oct 24 2011 3:25PM
An open letter by Mothers of Park Laleh (Irans Mourning Mothers) to the human rights organisations!

Where do those who had been murdered in the past 33 years and the harassment of their mourning mothers and their supporters stand in Dr Ahmed Shahid’s first report to UN Human Rights Council UN? In the autumn afternoon of last Saturday...

Oct 22 2011 10:15AM
Enough! Global Intervention Now TO SAVE TIBETAN LIVES! by SFT

On 17 Oct, a 20 year old nun named Tenzin Wangmo of Ngaba,eastern Tibet, became the 9th Tibetan to self-immolate this year in protestagainst China's repression. She died on the scene. On Saturday, teenagerNorbu Damdul also set himself...