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Dec 15 2013 4:54PM
A big step closer to abolishing the death penalty in Zimbabwe?

By Cousin Zilala, Executive Director of Amnesty International Zimbabwe 'As someone who has been on death row myself and only saved by an ‘age technicality’, I believe that our justice delivery system must rid itself of this odious and...

Dec 13 2013 1:02AM
10 actions the “International Community” should urgently take to help Syrian refugees

"Syria has become the great tragedy of this century – a disgraceful humanitarian calamity with suffering and displacement unparalleled in recent history.” António Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 3 September...

Dec 12 2013 8:44AM
Dealing with guns: a creative Mexican idea

What do you do if you have too many guns and if they are fuelling violence? Pedro Reyes, a young Mexican artist, found a creative answer; turn the guns into something useful or beautiful! See the article by Marguerite Ward: From Guns...

Dec 11 2013 4:44PM
I’ve received praise for my work, she’s had death threats

I have never met Doctor D, the Afghan gynaecologist whose experience I voiced in the film above, but I know by her story that we have a lot in common. When I was asked if I wanted to be involved in this film, I absolutely leapt at the...

Dec 11 2013 1:52AM
Reading out Articles from Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Human Rights Day 2013

English version after an extract in Chinese ----start in Chinese----------- 在人权日华维藏团结会在伦敦中国使馆前烛光集会期间,使馆为防直接收到抗议信,向英国警方投诉示威人士恐吓了他们,声称使馆的正门门廊区域属于私有财产,要求英国警方不要让示威人士进入这一区域。视频: photo.php?v=10151762352542064...