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CUBA Yoani Sánchez (f) Following the Cuban authorities´ refusal to grant Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez permission to travel to Brazil to attend a documentary screening on freedom of expression, the documentary-maker has decided to...
Amnesty campaigners Amy Summers and Bethan Cansfield joined us on Facebook for a live Q&A on the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. For those of you that couldn't join us live we've put all the questions we answered during...
A year after the ‘Arab Spring’ protests began in Tunisia and Egypt, people across the Middle East and North Africa are continuing to stand up and protest against repressive regimes, often facing brutal suppression in response. Many...
(Chinese Human Rights Defenders, February 9, 2012) - The visit to Washington next week of Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping ( 习近 平 ), the presumptive next president of China, comes during an escalating crackdown on political and...
Hi again, since issuing this Urgent Action yesterday, we have heard that Yoani has received hundreds of messages of solidarity from across the world. You can see what she said on Twitter Yoani Sánchez @ yoanisanchez # cuba Me han...