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Tiananmen Square: 22 years on the repressive patterns continueIt has been 22 years since the People’s Liberation Army fired on peaceful protesters in Beijing and other cities , killing hundreds, if not thousands, of students and other...
There’s a lot of discussion around about whether or not it’s "already a civil war” in Yemen, but unquestionably the country is in deep crisis. President Saleh’s tanks are on the streets of the capital Sana’a, the security forces have...
Highlights First Conviction of “Jasmine Revolution” Detainee: After a quick hearing, Sichuan-based rights activist Li Shuangde ( 李双德 ) was sentenced on June 1 to four months and fined 20,000 RMB for “credit card fraud” by the Jinjiang...
NoJustice for Past Atrocities, No Guarantee of HumanRights (Chinese Human RightsDefenders, June 2, 2011) – As the world watches andreacts to the events of the Arab Spring unfoldingacross the Middle East and North Africa...
You might have missed the remarks made by an Egyptian general to CNN this week. He was talking about the army's treatment of a group of women who had formed part of a protest in Tahrir Square on 9 March. The general, who apparently...