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May 11 2010 8:33AM

Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Fengwent missing in Shanghai on 18 February and is believed to be detainedby the Chinese authorities. He is at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. On 18 February, Jiang Feng went missingat Shanghai’s...

May 11 2010 2:57AM
Iranian thugs kill teacher trade unionist

Farzad Kamangar was, like me, a trade unionist. He was also a teacher and a political activist. And on Sunday, the Iranian Government executed him for those so-called 'crimes' (although they called it 'enmity against God'). He was a 35...

May 10 2010 12:29PM
Amnesty get slick with fundraising call to take on Shell

A number of oil-related stories popped up today in the media. Firstly there’s a new Greenpeace report out that warns that British motorists are unwitting users of diesel and petrol derived from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, which...

May 9 2010 11:15PM
In memory of Shirin Alamhoie who was hanged today

Recently, female political prisoner Shirin Alam hoei was sentenced to death in Iran for allegedly being a member of the Kurdish opposition organization PJAK. Below is the translation of her letter from prison which was written on...

May 9 2010 1:49PM
FARZAD KAMANGAR and 4 Other political prisoners EXECUTED!

Street Journal Written by Saeed Valadbaygi Editor's Choice , Human Rights , Videos May 9, 2010 Evin prison phone lines have been disconnected by prison authorities from two days ago to execute political prisoners; Farzad Kamangarn...