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Aug 20 2010 4:54PM
Fearful symmetry: why Saudi Arabia should end cruel punishments

In the past it’s been the gouging out of an eye or the extraction of a tooth. Now it’s the severing of spinal column. The Saudi justice system’s willingness to countenance extreme and cruel punishments is once again in the news after a...

Aug 20 2010 11:10AM
Save Shiva from the threat of "Moharebeh", against God!

Shiva Nazar Ahari, Iranian human rights activist has been in detention for over 8 months. She was detained along with Koohyar Goodarzi and a number of other human rights activists when they were on board a bus to go to Ghom, the...

Aug 20 2010 8:21AM
The Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize

Do you know someone who should be recognised for their work tackling violence against women? The Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize is now accepting nominations . Individuals or groups can be...

Aug 19 2010 5:13PM
Pimp my profile: trafficking figures debate missing the point

Yesterday’s Association of Chief Police Officers report into so-called “off-street' prostitution threw up a new – and already much-discussed – figure of 2,600 women and girls trafficked into forced prostitution in England and Wales...

Aug 18 2010 7:41PM
Tainting the brand: the Taliban take PR back to the stone age

If the Taliban were a product PR companies would be studying their tactics. Because they’ve certainly got massive “brand awareness”. Aside from al-Qaida (and maybe not even them), they’re surely the most talked about armed group in the...